IT Career

Experienced Professionals


Drive digital value creation to contribute to sustainable development at Coca-Cola. Collaborate with other departments in the digital transformation journey and apply technology to optimize and modernize work.

Improve and develop technology

Promote business through digital transformation

Optimize and sustain operations

Ensure information security

Strategy & business partnering

Strategy and Business Partnering

Strategy and Business Partnering

  • Collaborate with departments across the company to implement digital projects, plan the strategy for digital transformation..
  • Provide solutions to improve efficiency and performance, increase awareness and proactivity in digital transformation for the company.
Digital Solution Delivery

Digital Solution Delivery

Digital Solution Delivery

Manage the operation of information systems, collaborate with the Strategy and Business Partnering team to deploy projects, and ensure that systems are maintained and digitized.

Cybersecurity Operations

Cybersecurity Operations

Cybersecurity Operations

  • Monitor network connections and security.
  • Update and fix security vulnerabilities.
  • Provide information on technological solutions.
  • Organize workshops to raise security awareness within the company.
Technology Operations

Technology Operations

Technology Operations

  • Develop new technology infrastructure.
  • Ensure operations and support for the entire company.
  • Manage and optimize cloud computing infrastructure.
  • Deploy new technology devices.